Matruchhaya Spine & Women’s Care Clinic

Infertility specialist in Nagpur

Infertility specialist

Doctor considers a couple infertile if they try but fail to get pregnant within one year after marriage. infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant or not able to conceive after one year or longer of unprotected sex. If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you’re not alone. 10% to 15% of couples are infertile. Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy.
When the woman is older than 35, the amount of time trying to conceive drops to six months for an infertility diagnosis. In women over 40, immediate evaluation is needed. Because fertility in women is decline continuously with age. Generally, reproductive potential decreases as women get older, and fertility can be expected to end 5 to 10 years before menopause.

In today’s society, age-related infertility is becoming more common because, for a variety of reasons, many women wait until their 30s to begin their families.
Even though today’s women are healthier and taking better care of themselves than ever before, improved health in later life does not offset the natural age-related decline in fertility.

It is important to understand that fertility declines as a woman age due to the normal age-related decrease in the number of eggs that remain in her ovaries. This decline may take place much sooner than most women expect.

There are two types of infertility primary and secondary. A woman who was never pregnant and who can’t conceive after one year of not using birth control is called primary infertility. Secondary infertility occurs when a woman can’t get pregnant again after having at least one successful pregnancy.

Causes of infertility:

Infertility may cause by women as well as male. Infertility cause by female called female infertility such as infertility cause by male called male infertility, the causes of infertility in both are different.
Male Infertility causes:

  • Abnormal sperm production or function due to undescended testicles, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes, infections and varicocele also can affect the quality of sperm.
  •  Problems with the delivery of sperm due to sexual problems, such as premature ejaculation, certain genetic diseases, blockage in the testicle; or damage or injury to the reproductive organs.
  •  Overexposure to certain environmental factors, such as pesticides, chemicals, and radiation. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, marijuana, anabolic steroids. Frequent exposure to heat, such as hot tubs, can raise body temperature and may affect sperm production.
  • Damage related to cancer and its treatment, including radiation or chemotherapy. Treatment for cancer can impair sperm production, sometimes severely.

Female infertility causes:

  •  Ovulation disorders, which affect the release of eggs from the ovaries. These include hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Hyperprolactinemia, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can affect the menstrual cycle or cause infertility.
  •  Uterine or cervical abnormalities, including abnormalities with the cervix, polyps in the uterus or the shape of the uterus. uterine fibroids may cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes.
  •  Fallopian tube damage or blockage, often caused by inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis). This can result from pelvic inflammatory disease, which is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection, endometriosis or adhesions.
  • Endometriosis, which occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, may affect the function of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
  •  Primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause), when the ovaries stop working and menstruation ends before age 40. Although the cause is often unknown, certain factors are associated with early menopause, including immune system diseases, certain genetic conditions
  • Pelvic adhesions, bands of scar tissue that bind organs that can form after pelvic infection, appendicitis, endometriosis or abdominal or pelvic surgery.
  • Cancer and its treatment. Certain cancers particularly reproductive cancers often impair female fertility. Both radiation and chemotherapy may affect fertility

Risk factors

Many of the risk factors for both male and female infertility are the same. They include:

  • Age. Women’s fertility gradually declines with age, especially in the mid-30s, and it drops rapidly after age 37. Infertility in older women is likely due to the lower number and quality of eggs.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking tobacco or marijuana by either partner may reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. Smoking also reduces the possible effectiveness of fertility treatment. Smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and a low sperm count in men.
  • Alcohol use. For women, there’s no safe level of alcohol use during conception or pregnancy. Alcohol use may contribute to infertility. For men, heavy alcohol use can decrease sperm count and motility.
  •  Being overweight. Women, an inactive lifestyle and being overweight may increase the risk of infertility. For men, sperm count also may be affected by being overweight.
  •  Being underweight. Women at risk of fertility problems include those with eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, and those who follow a very low-calorie or restrictive diet.
  •  Exercise issues. A lack of exercise contributes to obesity, which increases the risk of infertility. Less often, ovulation problems may be associated with frequent strenuous, intense exercise in women who are not overweight.